Call for Expression of Interest MSCA POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS (2024)
The Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at CEU invites candidates to apply for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships with our department as host institution.
The 2024 call for these Fellowships has been published by the European Commission with the application deadline of September 11, 2024.
The department organizes a pre-selection with a deadline of June 16, 2024.
Your file should contain the following elements:
1) Full name and email address, current institution.
2) A short CV.
3) Motivation letter (in English, max. 1 page) indicating why the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology would be the ideal host institution for your research and which are the specific training opportunities you would benefit from during a stay at CEU.
4) Indicate the name of the faculty member at the department who has agreed to act as your supervisor.
5) Short research proposal (in English, maximum 3 pages).
6) Indication on the type of action under Horizon-MSCA-2023-PF: European Postdoctoral Fellowship or Global Postdoctoral Fellowship. Please ensure that you fulfill the conditions of eligibility of the call before sending an expression of interest.
Please send your request to MSCA-SocAnth@ceu.edu After having submitted your application online you will receive confirmation of receipt by email; if not, contact us at sociology@ceu.edu to make sure that your application has safely arrived.
The Department decides whether to accept the applicant and to support the application on the basis of an internal academic evaluation and the availability of suitable supervision. Priority is given to candidates whose profiles fit closely with existing interests and expertise at the Department. We will give priority to candidates whose research proposals fit well with one of our research themes:
- Urban and global transformations
- Comparative analyses of labor and capitalism
- Food and politics
- Borders, displacement and migration
- Religious mobilizations
- Coloniality and Post-coloniality
Candidates will be informed of the pre-selection results by June 30, 2024. You may be asked for further documents/information upon proposal approval.