Our alumna, Raia Apostolova just published her PhD dissertation into a book. In Capitalism and Migration: Freeing and Hunting Labor Power Across the European Union, Apostolova argues that scholars need to transcend the legal frameworks of migration and to interrogate the very spaces (historical, ideological, socio-political) of their making. Instead of threating migratory categories as a point of departure, Apostolova approaches them as results. Through a historical reading of the political conjunctures and processes that accompany two contemporary forms of migration in the European Union – freedom of movement and the asylum system – the author shows the formation of a class that has no other means of life revitalization but by moving internationally. Apostolova positions this formation in the temporal gap that exists between migration and labor apparatuses, that is, the moments between one’s crossing a border and the commodification of their labor power, and explores the conflictual, tense relationship between migration and capitalism.
The book is available here: https://press.bas.bg/en/eBooks-105/show-106(99)