
From September 2020, all our programs for incoming and continuing students will take place at our Vienna campus.

January 21, 2020

From September 2020, all our programs for incoming and continuing students will take place at our Vienna campus.

Sad news

January 16, 2020
Florin Faje passed away on the 15th of January, 2020. It was tragically sudden. He got a headache on January 2, went thorough brain surgery a few days later, but did not wake from his sleep.

Florin was a dear part of our department; he studied with us from 2008 and received his PhD in 2014.He returned to Cluj after graduation and was teaching at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj until now.  He leaves behind his wife Neda and their small son.

CEU Call for Applications for Intensive Summer Courses in Budapest

January 8, 2020

CEU Call for Applications for Intensive Summer Courses in Budapest 

CEU Summer University offers high-level, research- and policy-oriented interdisciplinary courses in June-July 2020 in Budapest. Applications are invited from graduate students, postdocs, junior faculty, early-stage researchers, and practitioners for the short, intensive courses taught by internationally renowned scholars and policy experts (including CEU professors).  

Daniel Monterescu Awarded Three-Year Research Grant by the Gerda Henkel Foundation

December 13, 2019

Daniel Monterescu has been awarded 375,000 euros by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for his research into the links between destruction and renewal. The project, titled Cities Lost and Found: The Social Life of Ruins in Israel/Palestine, 1882 to the Present, traces the urban histories of ruination and recovery in Israel and Palestine.