The Global Middle as 'Normal'
a public lecture by József Böröcz (Rutgers University)
Date and Time: March 16, 5:30 pm
Venue: Nádor 11, TIGY room
Abstract: How would it re-configure our thinking about global structures and change if we were to consider not only extreme low income but both income extremes--i.e., extreme low as well as extreme high income locations--'abnormal' products of the inequality-generating system of the world-economy? Just what would the world be like for humankind as a whole if we had a radically more equitable distribution of the wealth we, all 7 billion humans, already produce? What does the fact that it is "squeezed" between two egregious income extremes do to the societies of the global middle?
József Böröcz is Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University. He is author, among others, of The European Union and Global Social Change: A Critical Geopolitical Economic Analysis. For more info and to see more of his work, please consult or .