Ruslana Koziienko

Year of Enrollment: 

Ruslana Koziienko is a social anthropologist and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Central European University (Vienna). Her research interests include citizenship, gender, masculinities, and displacement.

Her dissertation focuses on the experiences of adult civilian men in Ukraine as related to the ban on men leaving the country (introduced under martial law in response to the Russian all-out invasion in 2022) and the coping strategies they develop to sustain themselves and their families while either evading the ban and going abroad or staying in the country. The study equally focuses on the ways constrained mobility and limited freedom under martial law affect and shape the subjectivity and masculinity of civilian men, especially against the backdrop of the hegemonic masculinity represented by a defender of the country.

She is also part of the research group working on the project "Arrival" Infrastructures: Processes of Emplacement of Displaced People from Ukraine in Vienna, which was launched by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM, Vienna) within its Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration. The project explores the response of the city of Vienna to the mass influx of displaced people from Ukraine.

She was an IWM visiting fellow with the Institute’s program for Scholars from Ukraine in the summer of 2022.


Biziukova, Volha, Ruslana Koziienko, and Anna Lazareva. 2023. “‘Arrival’ Infrastructures: Ukrainian Displaced People in Vienna.” IWM Post, June 2023, 131 edition.

Koziienko, Ruslana. March 2023. 'Against false solidarity. A call for true solidarity among people with experiences of displacement.'. Allegra Lab.

Українською: Козієнко, Руслана. 2023. "Проти фальшивої солідарності. Заклик до справжньої солідарності серед людей, які мають досвід вимушеного переміщення". Пер. Лесі Камишнікової. Спільне.


MA, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
BA, Cultural Studies, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine.

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