
Balazs Vedres's article on jazz and the importance of open high weight triads

July 4, 2018

is the most accessed piece in the journal Applied Network Science, with 19k reads.

Publication of Daniel Monterescu's new book

June 1, 2018

The city of Jaffa presents a paradox: intimate neighbors who are political foes. The official Jewish national tale proceeds from exile to redemption and nation-building, while the Palestinians' is one of a golden age cut short, followed by dispossession and resistance. The experiences of Jaffa's Jewish and Arab residents, however, reveal lives and nationalist sentiments far more complex.

Prof. G.M.Tamás's essay in Global Dialogue

April 9, 2018

'Marx & Sociology, 2018', Global Dialogue. The essay will be available in several other languages in May.

Hungarian Accreditation Renewed; CEU Ranks in QS Top 100 in 5 Subjects

March 1, 2018

Central European University is pleased to announce that the university’s Hungarian legal entity (Kozep-europai Egyetem) was reaccredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) following a review, which takes place every five years. Separately, we are pleased to announce that five of CEU’s academic programs were ranked among the top 100 in the world, and two others in the top 200, by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in its global subject rankings, released today.